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Corporate Relocation

We are a part of your TEAM…

Smith Point Corporate relocation program is designed to help small to medium corporations provide relocation benefits for thier employees.  These benefits are designed to help make the transition smoother and less stressful for the employee and may include:


Moving Assistance

Setting up vendors for employees to move household goods and other personal belongings to the new location.


Temporary Housing

If the employee needs to relocate before finding a permanent home, assist employee in finding temporary housing, such as a hotel or furnished apartment.


Home Sale Assistance

If the employee owns a home and needs to sell it before relocating, offer assistance with the sale. Such as providing a real estate agent specializing in the area and the details of listing thier home.


Home Purchase Assistance

If the employee needs to buy a new home in the new location, Smith Point provides assistance with the purchase, such as connecting the employee with a local real estate agent or providing a home buying incentive.


Spousal and Family Support

Smith Point provides assistance to the employee’s spouse or family members, such as job search assistance, school enrollment support, or counseling services.

Smith Point corporate relocation benefits are designed to help corporations and thier employees make a smooth transition to a new location for work and to reduce the logistical burden associated with relocation.